It all begins with an idea. Then it becomes a list of materials and we make it your reality. Even if you don’t have the list yet, we can help with that too! Just give us a call!

Bank Run Gravel $5.25 1” Gravel $7.50
Bank Run Sand $5.50 2” Gravel $7.50
Compost Loam $22.00 5” Gravel $7.00
1-2” Stone $12.00 Screened Sand $9.00
3-6” Stone $12.00 Concrete Sand $9.00
Loam $20.00 Tailings $8.00
Common Barrow $4.00
NOTE: These prices above are by the yard loaded in our pit. We recommend checking in with us on availability before sending a truck.
We follow all MSHA safety regulations and require all drivers to carry a hard hat with them and remain in their trucks while being loaded. Please follow all the signs while in the pit for the safety of everyone.
We deliver! Please call to get a quote for your material. If there is material that you are looking for not listed above give us a call to see if we have what you need. We are making material daily!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Prices are subject to change.

Contact Info.
Luke: (207) 692-3111
Mandy: (207) 399-2147
E-Mail: lmgravelandsand@gmail.com
375 Park St. Milo, ME / 04463